Thursday, February 28, 2008

About me and my cause

The business of filling our nation`s homes with orphans and widows, of injecting poisonous drugs into the views of people`s normally humane, of sending men home from dark and bloody battlefields, physically handicapped and psychologically deranged cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice and love........ A Nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense, than on programs of social uplift, is approaching spiritual death. ( Martin Luther King Jr)..................DEFINITION:.......(Social)- Relating to Human Society and its members Living together or enjoying life in Communities or Organized groups./ Tending to move or live together in groups or colonies of the same kind................(Change)- Make or become different./ Transform...............(Mind)- The element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences to think and to feel./ The faculty of consciousness and thought.........................I have to DEFINE the title to my blog so that will not be any misunderstandings about the nature of what I am trying to achieve. I am not or ever was (AntiAmerican), I am just the opposite. When I explained to some individuals what I was trying to achieve in the writing of this Blog, they either tried to deter me from doing it or they are very encourageing. One person even said that I might have a visit from Homeland Security. I have nothing to hide, I am not afraid of speaking my constitutional right as an American. As an African American, who is also Homeless, I am only interested in change for myself, to become a better human being and hopefully share my insights and those of other`s along the way..........You do not have to agree with me and your opinions are truly welcomed, but if I can open up some of your eyes to some of the plights of what is happening to those less unfortunate than you than maybe this WORLD would be a better place to live in for all of us.


sweatybikr said...

Your definition of Social Change in Mind fits really well here. I think it will make everyone who reads this think a bit deeper into what you are saying, what it stems from, and what we all need to face some time or another. It is really important to think about the role of community and collective action in change.

musician said...

keep it up! never stop until you see what needs to happen come to be a reality. don't be detered by those who are afraid to speak up themselves and project that fear on to you. stay positive and focussed and people will listen. thanks for the inspiration