Thursday, March 27, 2008

Social Inequality

Let's talk about social equality. What I am about to write comes from the book ' Race How blacks and whites feel about the american obsession" by Studs Terkel......... This view was written by Douglas Massey- Professor of Sociology, University of Chicago, written 20 yrs ago still stands true, evermore so today....." In these past years we've become a unequal society. It started in 1973 with the recessions. In 1980 Regan came to power, the tax cuts benifited the better off. Incomes for the top ones just shot way upwards. By the end of the eighties, the income inequality was the greatest it's been in fifty, sixty years. There's been this tremendous transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the rich......The quality of our public life has deteriorated so much, we need something like a new WPA program. Look at our bridges( highway in Minnesota bridge collapse) look at our highways, look at our buildings . By rebuilding these facilities, we can create jobs for people without alot of education. It will benefit everyone, not only the poor. Private affluence and public squalor, something John Kenneth Galbraith pointed out thirty years ago, is the accepted order of the day. It's gotten worse........Now you have three class of people. There are those who own capital. They've done extremely well these past twenty years. There are those who own human capital-their education, their skills: the upper middle class. They've done pretty well. And you've got those who have only their labor to sell. they've done badly. The only way out of this bind is making sure everyone has a chance at education. Until then, we need governmental WPA projects to jump start this whole process........WOW!!!!!!! This was written twenty years ago under the old Bush regime. Guess what's going on now under Bush Jr, Wake up AMERICA!!!!! before it's to late.... Social Change In Mind. Peace!!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Race and Love

I feel that it is my obligation to comment on the past events that has happened in the last couple of days in our great nation considering race issues. Because of the presidential race where in my opinion, the next president will either be a man of color or a white woman. America is showing it's ugly side with negative Propaganda-( a one-sided comuunication designed to influence people's thinkining and action as in the Fox News Network)...............Now my parents were from the deep south and most of siblings were born in Miami Florida during the 1960's, during the fight for people's basic civil rights......When they where young, my parents which was during the 1930's, 40's and 50's I know they had to be ever conscious of what they did and said, but thru all of that hatred of the time , my parents never taught us to hate another race..........I could not imagine living in those times, I know would have been hanging from a tree somewhere!!!.....I say this because after 50 years of the civil rights movement there are still incidents of our youth having or doing things on college campuses that degrade women and other nationalitities....... For instance in acollege in Texas students had a party where they dressed up like the Hip Hop culture, with the baggy clothes, doo rags on their heads and drinking malt liqour out of paper bags, one young lady even dressed up like Aunt Jemimah with pancakes in one hand and the syrup bottle in the other, they then preceeded to take pictures of the party and then distrubted them throughout the campus..........I myself have recently seen the examples of this, when I tried to go into some clothing stores who cater to some of the richer clientele of Northampton Mass.....the reaction was not pleasant, even though my project is to bring all of us together, their our some of us still to this day who still don't get it and never will.....Now I happen to be interested in a women who is beautiful, Intelligent and White and it isn't that I don't love my women of color, but because of where I am located their are none me it does not matter what color, nationality or religion you belong to, if you and the other person you want to get to know, are compatible, SCREW what AMERICA thinks!!!!!......My Mother taught me that!!!!! So Miss Professional Beautiful Young Lady, if you ever figure out who you are and you don"t care what others might say, you will get a partner who will Love you threw the darkest times and also be ever faithful to you.........Social Change in Mind!!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Less and Less Important

James Meredith applied for admittance to the University of Mississippi. He wrote a statement explaining his decision.......I am going to write his statement and instead of using the word Negroes, I will replace it with the word homeless individuals because it applies to us now...........We have a dilemma. It's the fact that the Homeless are not first class citizens. I feel every citizen should be a first class citizen and should be allowed to develop his talents on a free, equal, and competive basis.......I dream of a day when the Homeless can live in decency and respect and do so with out fear of intimidation and bodily harm, of recieving personal embarrasment and with assurance of equal justice under the law.............................I saw a Beautiful woman in the Library and was intrigued by what she was doing, so I observed her writing on her laptop and beside her she had copies of these documents with strange writings from the past. Now I am not or never have been a shy man and anybody who knows me can attest to that, but there was something about this Vision of Aphrodite that told me to be myself and not be fake. It seems because of my strong personality and the way some New Englanders are, that my approach to them has been some what intimidating and so they take my enthusasim the wrong way. Aphrodite smiled and put me right at ease, so that in my passion of relating my project she did not feel uneasy or uncomfortable in my presence, like her it is hard for me being a New Yorker to gage how some New Englanders are taking what I am saying and how I am saying it, I have to wear kid gloves with some. Aphrodite has come to this place from another region where there is alot more sunshine and thus has traveled extensively to other regions of sunshine. So to come to a place where almost half the year is filled with cold and gloom takes a very strong individual to handle with optimism. Aphrodite writer of " Less and Less important" your feelings are valid and it is not you but the cold hard place that your journey has taken you. To this Adonis you are "Very Very Important"..........Keep the Faith........A rich man told me recently that a liberal is a man who tells other people what to do with their money. I told him that was right from the side of the telescope he looked through, but that as far as I was concerned a liberal was a man who told other people what to do their proverty-Leroi Jones

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Living together in one society

I believe in recognizing every human being as a human being---neither white, black,brown or red; and when you are dealing with humanity as a family there's no question of intergration and intermarriage. It's just one human being marrying another human being, or one human being living around and with another human being-Malcolm X- From the Pierre Burton show- January 19, 1965............Said 43 years ago and this country still today has a problem with Class issues. It is becoming a society that is either you are Rich or you are Poor and when we can not live together as human beings and one side oppressing the other side, problems than arise

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Change of your mind

I know that I am writing alot of religous passages in my blog but that is God's calling of me. If you knew were I have been and how far I have come, through the grace of God you will understand my passion.............The Bible says: " Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete CHANGE OF YOUR MIND. Then you will be able to know the will of GOD."..............We don't see things as they are. we see them as we are- Anais Nin.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Hillel The Elder: If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And when I am for myself, what am I? And if not now. When? (Pirkei Avot 1:14) ..................... I observed that the basic motive for success is the driving of envy and jealousy (Ecclesiastes 4:4 lb)................The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder-a waif, a nothing. a no man- Thomas Carlyle.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Keep the Faith

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; forgive them anyway........If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway.......If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; succeed anyway.......If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; be honest and frank anyway.........What you spend years building, someone may destroy overnight; build anyway..........If you find happiness; others may be jealous; be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; do good anyway........Give the world the best you have, it may never be enough; give the world the best anyway........You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them.........Mother Theresa.......No matter what you say about me or do to me I will always keep the faith.....Social Change in Mind.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Calling

You may not be a religous person, and that is all right because I am and what I am about to quote comes from the New Testament. I heard it preached at College Church in Northampton Ma, from Pastor Steve Behlke and I think I should share it with you..............From 1st Corinthians, chapter 1, verse 26 thru 31.............Consider your own call, sisters and brothers: not many of you were wise by human standards, not many powerful, not many were of noble birth, but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, things that are not, to reduce to nothing things that are, so that no one might boast in the presence of God. God is the source of your life in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption, in order that, as it is written, " Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord"............

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Thank You

If you are able to state a problem, it can be solved-Edwin H Land, American Inventor......................The only real revolutionist people say, is a man who has nothing to lose. There are millions of people in this country who have very little, or even nothing to lose..................THANK YOU, to Jennifer Ditkoff, Information Services at Forbes Libary, Northampton Mass. Without you the making of this blog would have been much harder...................James F. Lowe for writing the article in the Daily Hampshire Gazette on March 1st 2008 Northampton Mass, On Homeless summit. and interviewing me