Friday, March 21, 2008

Race and Love

I feel that it is my obligation to comment on the past events that has happened in the last couple of days in our great nation considering race issues. Because of the presidential race where in my opinion, the next president will either be a man of color or a white woman. America is showing it's ugly side with negative Propaganda-( a one-sided comuunication designed to influence people's thinkining and action as in the Fox News Network)...............Now my parents were from the deep south and most of siblings were born in Miami Florida during the 1960's, during the fight for people's basic civil rights......When they where young, my parents which was during the 1930's, 40's and 50's I know they had to be ever conscious of what they did and said, but thru all of that hatred of the time , my parents never taught us to hate another race..........I could not imagine living in those times, I know would have been hanging from a tree somewhere!!!.....I say this because after 50 years of the civil rights movement there are still incidents of our youth having or doing things on college campuses that degrade women and other nationalitities....... For instance in acollege in Texas students had a party where they dressed up like the Hip Hop culture, with the baggy clothes, doo rags on their heads and drinking malt liqour out of paper bags, one young lady even dressed up like Aunt Jemimah with pancakes in one hand and the syrup bottle in the other, they then preceeded to take pictures of the party and then distrubted them throughout the campus..........I myself have recently seen the examples of this, when I tried to go into some clothing stores who cater to some of the richer clientele of Northampton Mass.....the reaction was not pleasant, even though my project is to bring all of us together, their our some of us still to this day who still don't get it and never will.....Now I happen to be interested in a women who is beautiful, Intelligent and White and it isn't that I don't love my women of color, but because of where I am located their are none me it does not matter what color, nationality or religion you belong to, if you and the other person you want to get to know, are compatible, SCREW what AMERICA thinks!!!!!......My Mother taught me that!!!!! So Miss Professional Beautiful Young Lady, if you ever figure out who you are and you don"t care what others might say, you will get a partner who will Love you threw the darkest times and also be ever faithful to you.........Social Change in Mind!!!!

1 comment:

RandomWriter said...

Even though we are seeing some of the worst tendencies of racism and misogyny in the media's treatment of this election, I also think we are seeing more honest dealing with issues of race than we have at that public a level for a very long time. That part is really exciting to me. Whatever happens, I don't think the terms of the conversation will be the same.

I want to say something about your words about relationships across race and class differences too. My mother is white and my father Latino, and I have learned a lot from watching that relationship. My partner and I are both mixed heritage people--he is Native American and white and I am the product of my folks, obviously, but we come from very different worlds in some ways, too: religion, money and social class, culture, geography, political background--we had very very different lives before we met, but we seem to be soul mates and we've made it through 13 years together. (My parents have made it 35!) My point is that even though relationships across difference can be challenging, they can be fantastic too.

Keep up the work, the faith, the hope!